Special Text Formatting

The basic syntax for specially formatted text is [X=Y] where X is the format code and Y is the text to be formatted. For example:

Bold Text (B Code)

To format a section of text as bold, use the B format code. For example:

[b=This is bold text]

Will appear in the finished article as:

This is bold text

Italic Text (I Code)

To format a section of text in italics, use the I format code. For example:

[i=This is italic text]

will appear in the finished article as:

This is italic text

Bold-Italic Text (BI Code)

To format a section of text in bold & italics, use the BI format code. For example:

[bi=This is bold-italic text]

will appear in the finished article as:

This is bold-italic text

Strikethrough Text (X Code)

To format a section of text with strike-through, use the X format code. For example:

[x=This is strikethrough text]

will appear in the finished article as:

This is strikethrough text

Special Character Substitutions

Some characters are hard to access using a standard keyboard, so the article generator will translate certain character sequences into those symbols, as follows:

Another special substition is the - character. when placed all by itself on a line, the article generator will translate it to a horizontal line, i.e.:


There are two types of lists - Numbered and Bulleted. Each item on a numbered list is numbered sequentially from 1–X. Bulleted lists simply have a round dot placed beside each item on the list.

Numbered Lists

To display a numbered list, simply start each line with a # character. For example:

# This is an item

# This is another item

# This is yet another item

Will appear in the finished article as:

  1. This is an item
  2. This is another item
  3. This is yet another item

As you can see, you do not need to worry about numbering the list yourself, the generator will take care of it for you.

Bulleted Lists

To display a bulleted list, simply start each line with a * character. For example:

* This is an item

* This is another item

* This is yet another item

Will appear in the finished article as:

Notes About Lists

  1. Do not mix list identifiers within a list
  2. Lists can only be one level deep
  3. Do not place any blank lines between list items, as this will restart the list (especially a problem for numbered lists).

Website & Email Links

It is also possible to add links to websites & email addresses using the article generator. The basic syntax is [X=Y|Z] where X is the link type code (website or email), Y is the address (url or email), and Z is the text to display as a link. For example:

[website=www.statslog.com|StatsLog Software Corporation]

will appear in the finished article as:

StatsLog Software Corporation


[email=jbrown@statslog.com|Jason Peter Brown]

will appear in the finished article as:

Jason Peter Brown

Illegal Characters

Certain characters are "illegal", and should not be used. Avoid the < and > characters, as well as the [ and ] characters.

Other characters may be filtered as well. If you noticed that a character you need for a document is being filtered, please contact Jason Peter Brown

Missing Features

This is the first version of the article generating software, so it is quite likely that you will encounter limitations (and possibly even bugs) when trying to input your articles. If you have any feature requests or bug reports, please contact Jason Peter Brown