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Comments: Wanted: Old Artists in Stained Glass Leadlines

Please post your comments here on the front page news article Wanted: Old Artists in Stained Glass Leadlines.

re: Comments: Wanted: Old Artists in Stained Glass Leadlines


Basically I am Mechanical Draughtsman worked in multinational companies handling technical design asspects for 11 years,I started my own business in the field of stainglass from 2000.

I am self-taught Glass ARTISTS age 41 yrs.Designing and making stainglass,air brushing,3d,acid texture,ice crystal,fancy mirrors,glass murals,etching etc.

I also have a knowledge of cutting plottor and software such as signwizard,coral draw,autocad.

I am very much interested to work (abroad) and learn fussion,slumping, bend and more in the field of glass designing with you,say as a apprentice stained glass artist or any suitable post.I will be very thankfull if you will give me chance to work there.

Very soon I am going to publish my designs for glass book.

Passport no:H1666708

Type P (India)

Place of issue: Pune

Dt of issue:10/11/2008

Dt of expiry:09/11/2018


Hemant Dandavate

(India) 9822212794

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