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American Glass Guild's 2011 Whitney Scholarship

The James C. Whitney Memorial Scholarship

Sponsored by the American Glass Guild, Inc.

Application Guidelines and Instructions

Every year, the deadline for submission of applications is March 15, with notification of awards by April 15

1. Scholarships will be fully or partially funded for qualified individuals to attend the following:

a. Stained-glass training/workshops – U.S. and abroad.

b. Stained-glass conference attendance – U.S. and abroad.

c. Fine art training – U.S. and abroad. Applicant must demonstrate how this training will further her/his stained-glass career.

2. The scholarship does not fund traveling expenses or room and board.

3. Scholarship monies are sent directly to the class instructor, school, and/or workshop/conference director.

4. How to Apply:

All applications must be submitted by email to:

A complete application includes the following:

a. Application form, filled out completely.

b. 10 -15 digital photos of your work, with a description of each.

c. A several paragraph note on why you want to attend the workshop, conference, or class and what you hope to learn from it.

d. Your resume (no more than one page) with emphasis on art and stained-glass training, work experience, membership in professional/local organizations, etc.

e. You may also include a statement describing financial need, but it is not required.

e. If you are a student, a transcript of your grades is required.

f. Two (2) letters of recommendation, submitted under separate cover. Letters of recommendation will not be accepted from teachers with whom the applicant wishes to take the class or course.

g. Indicate if you are also requesting funds from other sources for the same class, workshop, or conference.

h. IRS form W-9 must accompany this application. Awards over $599.00 may be taxable. Please check with your accountant.

5. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all materials are received by the deadline