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Dan Fenton is Dying - Looking for Kathy Bunnell

Dan's last best friend here leting all who know Dan that his brain cancer is progressing rapidly and he has little time left with us. If any one knows how to find Kathy Bunell, or anyone else who care to say goodbye, now is the time. You may contact me, to be in touch with Dan, at 707-548-9389.

Ross Kaelish

re: Dan Fenton is Dying - Looking for Kathy Bunnell

Ross – just saw your message online. I hope you were able to find Kathy in time for Dan to talk with her. Wish I'd known in time – we hadn't been in touch in a couple of years, though I knew he had cancer – just didn't know it had taken off again. Dan was a dear old friend – never be another nearly like him in the industry. I believe he was the first visiting artist we had into our Virginia shop to teach– about 1981 or l982. All through the years, with all his ups and downs, his generosity with information and sources, his real delight in the light bulbs that he turned on and the work that people did, and his encyclopedic memory made him one of the best of teachers and the most favorite of storytellers and comrades, even though the total number of days we actually spent together probably didn't exceed six weeks.

If you were close and nearby him geographically, I'm sure there is a gigantic hole that he has left in your life. Just wanted you to know that there were at least a couple more people than you knew who held him very dear.


Jane Meredith

Meredith Stained Glass

formerly Metropolitan DC area; now Fort Wayne, IN.